I believe my problem has been resolved and by some miracle has work out for both myself and my fiancé. 

We started talking this weekend and I told her that I could get through the wedding if the old guy was there but I would always feel uncomfortable around him. But I had also decided that I would feel worse if I forced her to reveal the relationship to her family. So I said I could be strong and get over it. 

She started to cry a little, said she doesn’t want me to have to be strong. She legitimately doesn’t understand why I feel threatened by this particular guy. She said he’s an overweight 52 year old that didn’t finish high school, he’s no threat to you. 

She had turned him down multiple times before we even met. She got out her old phone that had the texts to prove it. But the sexual nature of those texts on his part made me feel worse than when we started the conversation. My fiancé could tell and she even looked offended herself reading them again. I could see her getting pissed the longer she looked at them. So right there she just dialed his number and put it on speaker. 

She told him that she’d been reading some old texts and she’s thinking that she doesn’t want to see his face again but wanted to give him a heads up before she told her father. He begs and apologizes, he thought she liked it. This went on a while and my fiancé can run a bit hot so some things were said that even I thought were a bit harsh. If anyone wants to hear them ask and I’ll reply in the comments. 

Anyway she hangs up and gets a text from him this morning that he is moving to Florida, he’s got a cousin down there he can work with so problem solved on my end. If he stays true to his word and stays away my fiancé won’t have to tell her father. So a win all around. Thanks for all the advice everyone, it was appreciated. 


Prior to getting together with my fiancé she had a long term relationship with an older man. He’s 52 now but was 46 when they started up. She was 19 at the time. This relationship has never been exclusive. Her father is a contractor and this man has worked with him for many years.

My fiancé initiated the relationship and it has been a secret between the two of them. My fiancé told me when we became exclusive so there would be no secrets. But their physical relationship went right up until she started dating me.

The problem now is that she sees him often due to his relationship with her father and he’s invited to the wedding. Their relationship has been exclusively sexual and it angers me when I see them around each other to the point that I am using sex to cope. The last time I saw them together was at her father’s sixtieth birthday party and I got so angry I took my fiancé upstairs and we had sex in her childhood bedroom while the party was still going on. To my fiancés credit she lets me cope this way but it isn’t healthy.

I don’t want him at the wedding but if I say anything I will need to provide a reason. Her father would beat the bag out of him if he knew about it, in addition to firing him. So my fiancé doesn’t want to say anything since she says he really didn’t do anything wrong. She was an adult before anything happened and he hasn’t tried anything since we’ve been together. But this guy knew her as a kid and the whole thing is creepy.

What should I do? Am I out of line here?

This is a throw away account since parties involved know my Reddit account.

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