I am 24 M.Whenever someone makes a joke about me or say something uncomfortable and hurting to me, I tend to cut all the contacts with that person. Whenever I feel excluded in a friends group, I just to try to leave it and cut all the contacts. I won’t be talking to people who hurt me and won’t even looking at their face.Now I am feeling like I am holding lots of resentment. I get lots of insulting jokes and I get triggered. I may end up bursting out of anger then I will withdraw from the person who made the joke.

It feels like I am constantly looking up for an argument and trying to find a reason break any relationship I have. I think I have become toxic. I just want to be as civil as possible. I did my research and I find I am more of a man child, and I am expressing protest behaviour.

my core questions are

1.How can I be more emotionally mature?
2.How can I have a thick skin so that words and actions do not hurt me?

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