My 21f friend of years has been with her abusive boyfriend she met on Tinder since about September 2021. In December 2021, she calls me telling me she found out he was cheating and that she threw his stuff out the window. I was sad her relationship was that short and it already ended that poorly but assumed that was it for their relationship

Fast forward to now, she’s stayed with him for over two years. He has cheated and put hands on her the entire relationship. She even came back down to Florida because she got to a point she was afraid he’d kill her but went back to be with him again a few months later.

He’s cheated with physical encounters and lots of texting. He’s been with men, women and at 21 he’s tried to get with atleast 2 minors (around 14-15) that I know of. I was disgusted she’d stay with a pedophile but I kept trying to support her through this hoping if I was a support system for her she’d leave.

For the last almost year now she has been having sex with him with no condoms, no birth control, no contraception at all. She would come to me every month saying she was taking pregnancy test before her period and obsessively tracking her cycle. She made it seem like she didn’t want it to be positive but now I realize she just wanted to have a baby by any means. It didn’t matter what situation she was bringing it into. Now she’s about 7 weeks pregnant.

Not even a week ago she’s told me she’s not ready for a baby, she doesn’t even know where her next meal will come from and that the baby would grow up poor to a father who doesn’t want it. She’s told me all these things that she herself believes it’ll go through but now she’s going to keep it. She says she’s going to go back down to Florida to have it and leave him but she’s said she’d leave him so many times and now she’s pregnant with his baby. I don’t believe she’ll leave him, and even if she does, not permanently. He’ll be a part of her life anyways if she has it.

I have tried to be there for her through this and I’ve tried to come up with the magic words to make her leave but I know she ultimately has to decide how to live her life. This pregnancy and realizing she wanted a baby no matter what it would be subjected to has completely killed my respect for her. I’m not sure I could be a friend to someone like this anymore. Am I being selfish? What should I say or do at this point?

Tldr; Friend with physically abusive, cheating partner of 2 years purposefully got pregnant with his baby even telling me she believed it would be born into a bad situation. I feel I’ve lost respect for her, what do I do at this point?

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