Women with mental health issues, how is the world of dating, relationships and love treating you?

  1. I’ve excluded myself from it for now. Might revisit it later, after I find some semblance of a work-life balance and re-learn to sleep at night

  2. Getting close to people romantically triggers me – even though I’m in therapy and the guy I’m currently seeing understands me really well, it’s still a struggle.

    Dating around overall wasn’t bad, I never got serious enough with anyone to have a conversation about my mental illness.

  3. Good. Met a good man early on who loves me warts and all. He says he stayed because I never sat down and stopped trying, I kept working on my issues, and he saw things getting better and better. I never used it as an excuse, we communicate well and due to all this any hard times is not a question of if we will make it, just occasionally a “how”

  4. I am dealing with anxiety issues, and in a ldr.. idk if I should end it.. ldr isn’t for the faintest of hearts

  5. Poorly! I just want to find someone who loves me as much as I love them. The loneliness that comes with being single definitely does not help my mental health either 😭

  6. It’s been uphill. The first person I’ve dated caused the majority of my mental health issues and the more I recover the better it gets. The quality of men I date and happiness in the relationship has been directly proportional to improvements I make with my mental health. At the moment I’m the best I’ve ever been, with the more severe issues taken care of and am in a very happy and healthy relationship.

  7. I think it comes in waves. Sometimes it’s really taking a toll, especially since all my friends are married or in LTR. Others, I feel healthy and totally fine that I’m single and enjoying the phase of life. For me, it’s important to remind myself that I’m grateful for every phase I’m in and it’s okay to single. I’d rather be single and find happiness in myself/my hobbies/my life, then settle to be in a relationship that isn’t a good fit for me just to not feel lonely. Perspective plays a lot into it. When I find myself feeling sad about it, I do one of my favorite forms of self care (usually taking myself out for ice cream lol)

  8. Horribly, so I’m putting that on pause.
    Apparently even with my literally disabling CPTSD, I’m not the crazy one and have my shit together more than most. It’s just a lot of people out there that I have dated somehow absolutely do not, and end up being abusive or neglectful, even from the outside observer of my therapist, who is also baffled. Trying to learn how to dodge red flags but people are so good at hiding that evil shit.

  9. Not well.

    I call myself “feral”… I kinda just stopped caring or giving a shit. If they leave they leave if they want to stay cool most people leave so it is what it is. I’m tired, burnt out. I find other things in life because love simply isn’t in the scheme for me unless it is. I feel like the ones that like me or want to take me seriously I have zero interest in not physically attracted to them. They come on WAY too strong and it freaks me out. and the ones I really like and want don’t take me seriously. Sooooo gonna just fool around until something sticks I guess. I don’t know.

  10. No well. Autism prevents me from emotionally connecting with people as quickly as those I’ve met would like. Coupled with social anxiety that prevents me from being confident enough to meet people I connect with on dating apps, I’m more or less doomed.

    I’m incredibly lonely but I’ve given up for the time being.

  11. My therapist was surprised I was single when she first met me. She’s not surprised anymore. But, I’m not ready, I don’t want to take our my issues on a partner, it’s not fair.

  12. Awful. I’ve started to decenter men. And 4b movement. My mental health is better without dating a guy who wants a mommy or a fuck buddy!

  13. Patriarchy combined with mental health is hard as it takes a certain type of person to see you for who you are. Real connection is just rare. When you have mental health issues, a lot of people aren’t interested & the ones that are usually have their own. In my experience, it usually becomes toxic. I’ve decided to opt out and just love myself. I love and cherish my friends deeply.

  14. Well I just got rejected by a guy after I told him I have bipolar type 2 and his reasoning was “if we have kids i don’t want them to suffer” so that’s how that’s going lmao

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