Earlier today, my “Female” friend asked me if I wanted to go to breakfast with her parents who I am really close with. They always consider me apart of their family and yea we’re really close n shit.

Mind you, my girlfriend used to be close friends with my “female” friend so we all know one another.

But at the moment, my girlfriend is saying how I’m f**cking stupid and weird for doing such a thing. She says I overstepped a boundary (that I didn’t even know I crossed) and “what you did earlier is so disrespectful”.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with it as it’s just a family outing but am I wrong and is my gf right?

TL;DR: I (m20) went to eat with female friend (f20) and her parents who are super close friends. But my girlfriend (f20) thinks what I did is disrespectful. Am I in the wrong?

1 comment
  1. Why is the female in quotation marks, like she isn’t a woman? Or were you trying to like emphasize that the problem was that you went out with a woman?
    Either way, no you’re fine. Go get food, it’s not that deep

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