If you could afford to live anywhere, where would it be and why?

  1. I’d actually probably move to Paris but if this is strictly within the states I’d move to Crested Butte, Colorado to ski.

  2. Not in America, that’s for sure. I’d probably live i. Ireland for a few reasons.

    1. English is common, and people speak it fluently there

    2. I could attain citizenship relatively easily due to ancestors being from Ireland

    3. It’s more left wing than America. I dislike how right wing America is. Being somewhere else would be nice.

  3. Ireland. Weather never gets too hot or cold, people are friendly, more progressive than UK, and utterly beautiful.

  4. Amsterdam. Better walkability, better public transit, better healthcare, less bigotry, cool architecture, most people speak English and Dutch is similar to English so it wouldn’t be hard to learn some, and well connected to the rest of Europe. Seems like a good deal to me.

  5. Edinburgh. Walkable city, lots of gothic atmosphere, good food, nice people, progressive civics.

  6. I’d buy an island in the Pacific and have a bungalo and airstrip built, and get a pilot’s license.

  7. Vancouver BC – beautiful geography, diverse city, national health care system

  8. Anywhere anywhere, probably Barcelona. Great city, great food, a language I’m not completely ass at.

    Anywhere USA? The Gold Coast of Chicago. Chicago is cold as shit in the winter, but it’s a fantastic city with a great food culture, tons of entertainment, and two major airports.

  9. At the back tank on our 500 ac ranch. But I have to live near a city so I can make money. 38 years.
    You know, taxes, health insurance and all that crap.

  10. Seattle. I love living there and almost all my friends and family are there. But if I’m going to be not boring and choose somewhere I don’t already live, then Victoria, BC. I spent a few years there and love the area. It feels like it has the best parts of living in a small town and a big city (at least the parts I like best).

  11. Inside the Giga factory, cause then I’d probably be able to force Tesla to hire me if I was somehow living there.

  12. In the USA: Manhattan NY, or Seattle WA.

    Outside the USA: Tokyo, somewhere in England that’s not London, Montreal or Vancouver.

  13. Probably Los Angeles.

    I am not even sure why. Logically it’s got issues. I suspect I have just been brainwashed by all the pretty scenery I’ve seen on the TV since birth

  14. In the US: Portland, Oregon or Seattle, Washington

    Outside the US: Vancouver, Canada

    i certainly have a type, i’ll admit that.

  15. I would buy an entire big city like NYC or LA. I would have an entire subdivision for myself and stuff I like. The rest of the land and buildings will be used so homeless people and low-income people can afford housing. They all of course would have to sign a waiver stating they will not do certain things and they will have to be able to qualify for stuff, but it would basically be you’d have to be able-bodied and not a substance addict (alcohol and weed are exempt of course). I could possibly have a subdivision for rehabilitation centers.

    I’ll take what money I have and earn from the people and invest it in stocks and businesses so I can continue to grow and have enough money to support everything because having high-income types of living spaces for a low/no-income population would get pretty hefty.

    I’d also have a subdivision for education centers that would also provide cheap, but quality education so maybe people who want to move out, can.

    With that said, I wouldn’t have people living in housing for free. I’d give jobless people a year to find a job with no housing fees or anything. Which is far longer than long enough to find a job. After that, they will get 3-6 months depending on how many jobs they have within a certain amount of time if they don’t stick to their first job. If they’re not able to keep a job, they will have to unfortunately move out. I feel as much as I would have to offer, they would do it to themselves. It might be cheap with awesome benefits, but nobody lives for free. I’m trying to make it to where people can live easily, but not be lazy either.

    I’d also have set stores and such to go in each district or subdivision so people can walk to get what they need, but not even really have to go down the street if that. Maybe a 10-20 minute walk at most. The city would run strictly on public transportation for people to go to work and back, but there would be people available to pick up people who are disabled or just too old to be walking around. Which you’d have to qualify for that, but I wouldn’t be super strict on it. Having public transportation only could cut costs on gas among other things.

    There would also be places for activities such as basketball courts, football fields, softball fields, arcade rooms (with modern gaming technology of course), water parks, regular/natural parks, skate parks.

    The city would be wet (allow alcohol sales) of course. And the police would have harsher punishments for stuff they do. Like if there’s any kind of racism, brutality, etc., they will get a bare minimum non-paid week off if they don’t get fired.

    There’s a lot more such as general and specific rules, but I don’t want to get deeper than I already have into it.

  16. Taipei, Taiwan.

    Amazing food, safe, beautiful landscapes, I like warm weather, I speak passable mandarin.

  17. In the US, either Colorado for skiing and weather or maybe in the Pacific Northwest? Anywhere in the world: Dubai lol. Or near the Ocean and the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, or Germany or Norway.

  18. Alaska. I could live my dream of being a crazy cat lady hermit and have cold weather (which I love). Plus it’s flat out gorgeous.

  19. I think it would be right where I am but I’d just do a shit ton of projects on this house because I have a fucking list.

  20. For now it’s DC, extremely walkable, good paying jobs, lots of trees and greenery, decent transit, and perfect level of density with no skyscrapers (looks more European than American).

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