In the online dating context. We’ll decide to meet up, they’ll ask me for my number and I’ll say that I don’t exchange numbers until I’ve met in person for safety reasons. I’ve had someone use my phone number to look up personal info and find out where I work, etc. so I want to be able to meet in person first. But I say this and so many men will all of a sudden stop responding or blatantly be upset that I won’t give my number. Can’t we still exchange messages over the app?? I’m not rejecting them, just trying to be safe. Can someone explain?

To answer the question about how it’s less dangerous to meet in person first. I’ve had someone find my full name from Venmo, workplace and socials from there and threaten to show up and ‘surprise me’ at my place of business all before even meeting once. I feel more comfortable going to a very public place in an Uber and feeling out the situation and deciding from there if I want to move forward. It’s not fool proof, of course there’s still danger, but it’s an added protection against harassment for me to keep my personal info personal in the beginning.

I can understand that certain men feel rejected by this precaution but I think that’s an overreaction. I’ve decided that it tells me something about someone’s ability to respect boundaries if they have a problem with this. So I’ll continue to protect myself and use it as a filter for those that can’t handle being patient.

I won’t be responding to anymore comments.

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