My [27F] boyfriend [37M] and I have been together for almost 2 years. Until recently, my boyfriend worked as the general manager of a sports bar (which is how we met).

While he was still working there, I told him that it’s strange that he texts his employees (all of whom are 20-22 year old girls) outside of work for non-work related reasons. He claims that they are friends, which is why he texts them outside of work.

He no longer works at the sports bar, but he continues to text three of these 20-22 year old girls (nothing sexual/romantic). I told him that I think it’s strange for a 37 year old man to want to be friends with 20-22 year old women, and that since he no longer works with them, he should stop talking to them. He doesn’t think it’s strange for him to be friends with these women, and says that they formed a friendship at work. He even went out to dinner with two of these girls and paid for their dinner, which I thought was wildly inappropriate.

For context, he’s known one of the girls for 1.5 years, and the other two girls for about 6 months.

If I’m not overreacting, how can I explain to my boyfriend that his friendships are inappropriate?

Edit: It’s been pointed out to me that I missed sharing a key piece of information – part of why this bothers me so much is because my boyfriend has told me that I shouldn’t make small talk with my male coworkers, because men only talk to young, pretty women for sex, and by talking to them, I’m leading them on. In my opinion, if this is his point of view, why is he talking to all these young, pretty women?

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