Just some background information, we’ve been FWB for almost 3 months now and we were already friends before. In the beginning she made it clear that she didn’t want a relationship or anything emotional. She’s been sleeping over at my house on the weekends every week for 10 weeks in a row now. We see each other almost every day after school.

She told her friends that she likes me and that she’s scared and now wants to cut things off because of that. I don’t want this at all because I too have developed feelings for her. She does have commitment issues from what I’ve heard and she tends to run away from things like this after they start getting serious, and that’s what she’s planning to do now.

She told her friends and they’ve told me that she’s going to talk to me about it soon, but I want to be able to try and speak my mind on the situation to try and convince her that this isn’t something either of us should be afraid of. She thinks she’d be a bad girlfriend to me and that she’s going to bring me down, and that I deserve better. This is what I have planned to say already, it’s kinda cringe but it’s true and comes from the heart.

“If you think I deserve better, then I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. I don’t know what better is if it isn’t with you. I wasn’t exactly sure of it till recently but I do like you and I care about you. Committing to something is scary, but it’s even scarier thinking about what we might lose out on.”

I also want to make it clear that we don’t have to label anything right away and that we can take things really slow in the beginning and see where it leads, as we already have been doing.

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