So basically, we are now enjoying a hard earned free of work year, I made some money in the last 3 years and it was a high stress job that I didn’t really needed talking about money. I own “our” house which was given to me by my parents, so I only spent money on food, normal bills like internet/electricity but we like to drink beer and tequila, we live in Mexico, so that’s pretty cheap, I spent in a week like 150 usd on food but like another 90 usd on only beer and tequila. That doesn’t bother me at all, but I think that makes the conditions that really bug me.
It might sound dumb but, I pay everything, I wake up to do laundry, I buy and cook whatever we have as breakfast, we have a dog and cat and give them food, as we live in some dusty area in Mexico I even sweep daily cause high levels of dust.

Then after all I did, she wakes up only to tell me she is hungry, she needs to order some food…
She has been trying to lose weight since she is 17, now she is 27, and I just tell her that we should eat salads, vegetables and beef/chicken/fish but she gets mad. She wants to order tacos.

The truth is I think she brings me down waking up at 11 am every day, I think she is depressed, we have been married for past a year, but to me as i grew pretty disciplined by my parents she wakes up too late, doesn’t have empathy nor resposabilties.

I don’t want to be an ahol, and I have triend talk it out but she just says we are different and I should do whatever I want when I’m awake and let her sleep, in that I can agree but it think, she sleeping that way automatically is unfair as I do everything we were supposed to do while she is asleep, so I feel like an idot paying, and treating her like a queen like she doesn’t even thank me. According to her, she feels pressed, and she can’t control sleep impulse..

I don’t want to ruin our marriage, I just want to feel understood and supported. What do you guys think?? I’m i the ashol?

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