We sold our condo after my FIL passed away, so we could help MIL with her home. It has actually been beneficial for my wife to be closer with my MIL after such a tragedy. We just had a baby so it has definitely been nice having a Grandma to help, but…..

We moved into my wife’s childhood home. I am 100% an outsider in this home. I have lived most of my adult life independently until I met my wife. We rented for a year & then purchased our condo, which we owned for over two years. I love living with my wife, but not so much with the MIL.
I have noticed that my wife has started to pick up my MIL annoying quarks. Weird sayings and sighing or grunts. It’s hard to describe. I am very aware that I am entering a household that has been established for a long time, but the Weird/annoying shit my wife is parroting from MIL is driving me crazy. I can ignore the MIL because it is her house, she going to Boomer out, but when my wife starts acting like her it gets on my nerves. When we lived on our own I never noticed that she was absorbing these things from her Mom. Just venting & has anyone else experienced something like this? Of course this is very trivial and in the grand scheme of things not anything horrible. Annoying.

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