Bush: “The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq — I mean of Ukraine.”


  1. You mean an old man messed up his speech? Gee, golly. I don’t care. I don’t really understand why it’s news. Biden slips up all the time, so to make this a political thing is just reaching at straws in my opinion.

  2. One could say he’s very aware of the terrible thing he did and what he put the people of Iraq through. Or one could say it’s an old man making a speaking mistake.

  3. Eh. It’ll be in the running for top /r/nottheonion of the year, but aside from that there will be no consequences. It’s not revelatory, just kinda funny.

  4. I think it’s been long enough since his Presidency that people are forgetting that this is just how he is

  5. He screwed up. He spent most of his major national speaking time talking about Iraq.

    So it was a flub.

    Don’t know what more you can read into it.

    Like are we going to pretend Ukraine and Iraq are the same based on the misspeaking of a former president? That would be stupid.

    This is an event that will only be important on reddit and Twitter and only then until next Tuesday.

  6. But, wasn’t Iraq invaded by the US and it’s allies? Wasn’t it bombed to shit? Weren’t thousands of civilians killed? Major parts of infrastructure destroyed? Didn’t thousands get displaced as refugees?

  7. I hadn’t heard of it until now. I’m not surprised; he’s a horrible orator lmao

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