I’ve encountered situations where one girl is always mean to me. This has happened so many times now I’m beginning to see a pattern. There’s a time where I went to a party and knew no one there. My friend introduced me to the girls and all the girls seem nice and inviting until this one girl (that I met that day) who was pretty stuck up to me and started to pull everyone away from me.

There was another incident where I was at a party with my mans. I get along with all of his female friends except this one girl. I’ve always tried to talk to her and get to know her but she only responds with one word or doesn’t try to continue the conversation. She would always come up to us periodically and try to get his attention like trying to high five him but not me which I thought was weird since I’m literally standing right next to him. She also only talks to him directly and doesn’t acknowledge me. She’s only nice to me when he’s around or when other people are around.

I’m a girl’s girl and I always try to befriend every girl in any party/event I am in. I always try to spark up a conversation to get to know them and I make sure I’m respectful to their partners and their boundaries. But I’ve encountered so many situations like this and am wondering is anybody experiencing the same? I mean I know there’s mean girls everywhere but now everytime I go to an event or function I get this anxiety that at least 1 girl will have some sort of beef with me? It’s like a constant test everytime I go to social events. Why do girls do this? Is it just me? It’s exhausting for me (who already has social anxiety) to constantly have to deal with this and restrain myself from reacting to these situations.

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