I’ve always been a bit socially awkward. A bit too open and too trusting. I’m the last picked for things unless you need help because I’m always jumping to help.

Over the last couple years I’ve made a new group of friends bonded over shared travel interests. There were 4 of us and we texted daily and spent multiple days a week together. We traveled all over together for days and weeks at a time. Suddenly my phone was silent. Barely getting anything for weeks. What did I do? No clue. Get together people are awkward around me but say nothing is wrong. After a couple months, I accepted that I am out for whatever reason. Then I’m told why. Because one of the ladies heard from someone that heard from someone that I made a comment about her. A comment that had I actually said could have been taken as a compliment. She decided if any of the other ladies talked to me, they were not her friend.

Well, this lady started treating everyone else like dirt. And guess what, I’m back in the group.

I am having trouble just going back to the way things were. It’s been a couple months and I still feel hurt about how easily I was tossed aside. I’m told that I should understand that they were in a tough spot.

Am I holding a grudge that I shouldn’t? Am I letting it bother me more than I should?

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