So I (18F) started taking to this guy (18M) a few weeks ago on hinge and we started to hit it off pretty fast. I was pretty surprised by his humor and vibe which doesn’t happen often for me when it comes to online dating. He asked for my snap and we’ve been talking on there for the past 2 ish weeks. He wanted to talk on snap as opposed to over text which I get since we met online. We already had fun nicknames for each other and a pretty solid inside joke going so I was hopeful for our upcoming date. We agreed not to talk during the week as the conversation might get a little stale, which I also was a little worried about.
We were supposed to go swimming at night but ended up changing our plan to just hanging at a local dock to be more chill. The conversation was a little awkward but he seemed super cool and overall the date went okay.
I texted him the next day and said I’d like to see him again which he said he was down for. Before our second date he asked if i was going to he home alone all week which i said yes but then clarified that i wasn’t going to have sex with him and he said he wasn’t planning on it either.
We met up and then went back to my house to watch a movie as planned. He asked me to cuddle which I was fine with and it seemed to be going super well.
I noticed him trying to move my face towards him which I was surprised by so I was like that’s my face and he apologized. I now realize that was probably him trying to drop a hint that he wanted to kiss. Then he asked if we could make out and I was super nervous about messing it up so I said I was into the movie and we could make out after it was over.
When the movie ended I told him I was going to get food and he could come with but he told me his mom wanted him to come home so he had to leave. As we were walking out to the cars i invited him to come to a party with my friends and i in 2 weeks and he said he’d come if he didn’t have work. i waited for him to kiss me or hug me goodbye but he never did. Instead he smiled and said he’d see me soon.
I waited a day to then text him saying i had fun and would love to see him again also that he might get a kiss next time. Usually he got off work around 9/10 so I waited until then to check and see if he responded but he hadn’t and his snap score had gone up which has never happened before.
I brushed it off and waited another day still on delivered then I texted him saying my weekend was unexpectedly free if he wanted to come over again. That was a day or two ago and I’m still on delivered. We’re still best friends on Snapchat and he hasn’t unadded me or anything.
The signals are just a little mixed considering how our date went and him saying he’d see me soon. I like him a lot and I definitely want to see him again but neither of us is looking for something super serious I would just love some communication. I don’t feel like what happened during our date is worthy of ignoring me.
I know it’s online dating but I did have somewhat high hopes for this guy and I’m at a loss for what to do or say next. My best friend wants me to call him on snapchat but I don’t want to come off as crazy and obsessed. I could text him and ask him to stop ignoring me and just say if he isn’t into me so we can both move on. I was thinking that if he doesn’t respond in a week, then I should just unadd him. What do you all think about the situation and further actions? Thanks!
TLDR: Went on two good dates but didn’t kiss and now he’s ignoring me

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