Make every day your favorite weather? Maybe change the weather based on your mood? Or just go totally random spur of the moment? Switch it up all day? So many possibilities!

  1. January to November:

    Day: highs anywhere from 44 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit (anywhere in that range is acceptable, temperature set randomly), overcast with grey clouds, light rain

    Night: lows ranging from 16 to 34 degrees Fahrenheit (same as above in terms of randomness), cloudy, very light snow that doesn’t stick


    Same as above but there is a light layer of fresh snow every morning

  2. Sheer clouds, mild winds, and no warmer than 14-16C, all year around. Rain once a week and no winter or hot summers literally ever. Sincerely, someone who sunburns easily and sweats like crazy even in minus temperatures

  3. Snow year round. I love the snow, grew up with it but sadly haven’t seen it in two years 🙁

    Not only do I love activities such as skiing, skating, sledding, etc, but I also really love winter fashion.

  4. I live in Singapore. We average a little over 30 degrees Celsius a day. There was a period of time in 2019 when the temperature dropped to low 20s.

    I’d bring that back in a heartbeat.

  5. Change it based on what I’m in the mood for.

    – Being active outdoors = mostly overcast and cool/cold but not windy.

    – Relaxing outdoors = mostly sunny and warm/hot with a light breeze.

    – Staying in = mostly switching between sunny and stormy.

  6. Stormy when I’m trying to sleep (night shift worker), sunshine and light breeze when I want to be outside having fun.
    Winters that include snow, but not blizzard.
    Since I know it’s inevitable, I’ll take a hurricane July or August (the hottest months to help cool things off).

    No more 100+°. I can’t handle it.


  7. It would only be 70-75F (21-25C) and sunny. Sometimes a light rain if I’m in the mood 🙂

  8. Winter: snow or crisp, bright days
    Spring: sunny and light, occasional showers and rainbows
    Summer: hot, sunny, cloudless days
    Autumn: mild but clear

    There wouldn’t be much rainfall if I could control the weather, I’d probably fuck up the ecosystem

  9. Average around 15-22°C at night maybe 10-12C
    Only rain when I don’t have to work or go anywhere.

    I realized too late what sub this is.

  10. Maybe 5 days in a week where it is mostly sunny with a few white clouds, because they are the most beautiful days. One day where it is sunny and there’s no clouds in the sky, and one day a week where it rains, preferably a thunderstorms. Most days would be mild in the early to mid 20sC with nights dropping to around 10C.

    And also clear skies whenever there is an astronomical event.

  11. I live in western Australia.
    I would have between 30-35°c and every 10th day would have a bit of rain just to stop things drying out completely. We had 7 months with no rain here. Everything got quite crisp.

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