I (F 23) have been dating my boyfriend (M 24) for almost 5 years now and im starting to question if I’m in the right relationship. I love him SO much but I often question if he loves me the same amount. A few months ago he took a job across the country which caused us to be long distance for 9 months which was hard and caused a few bumps in the road that showed me things I didn’t know before. For example we were talking about the possibility of him moving to that location permanently and I had brought up the idea of me moving to be with him and he out right told me no and he would never do that for me so I shouldn’t do that for him. I dont know… He has made it very clear he has a hard time seeing into the future and knowing if we’re going to be together but says he loves me now. He know has a job in the city I live in and moved into a place here but I still dont feel solid in our relationship. I’m so conflicted because I want to be with him so much but I dont know if I should continue dating someone if they dont even know if they see me in their future at all. Please help!

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