I am looking for advice to improve my libido and I am open to pretty much any help. I have an extremely low, almost non existent libido. It’s getting to the point where it’s not fair to my partner. I am 23f, I am in very good physical health, I eat fresh fruits and veggies in every single meal, i’m not overly stressed about anything in particular.
It’s been this way for a year and a half now and I thought it would just be a phase or something…but now I am realizing I need to be proactive about it. I’ve never been very sexual to begin with but I have literally zero desire to have sex, not to mention I have a hard time staying wet when I do have sex.
I haven’t really had this issue in other relationships…but I also haven’t had many other relationships and when I was single I was almost never thinking about sex if that gives any context to my libido. I really don’t want it to be this way, I don’t want to be an animal but I want to feel that sexual spark again. I’m willing to try supplements, toys, lifestyle changes, anything to help how sexually dull I feel.

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