So I’ve been with my husband for two years, one year married. I’m 36 & he is 34. His child’s mother who he was in a previous relationship with died a few months prior to us dating. I found this out doing my own investigation. From day one the mother without knowing or meeting me didn’t approve nor did his son grand parents, understood.

Thing is grand parents never disrespected me directly. However, does not respect my husband as a parent and feeds negative things to the child so when he returns he’s disrespectful to me. Yet my husband mother has been verbally abusive to me, threatened me & my teenage child. At that time I told my husband that was his mother and I wanted nothing to do with her, their relationship is their relationship. She still continued on and Lied to my husband telling him something that was not true but called the police and made him file a report. Her reasoning was that he needed to protect himself.

At that time the mother also tried to run up on me from behind in front of the cops as if she was going to attack me. For that let’s just say it took the police begging me to not have to take me to jail. Fast forward the mother continues to tell him lies stating I’m cheating, I don’t like his child so on and so forth. I express to my husband my feelings and he says he can’t control other people that’s just how she is. He’s disrespected her all his life and I’ve witness the verbal abuse to him from her.

Fast forward a disagreement took place because of lies his mother told my husband. He left went to good mother as I stated I didn’t want to move forward in the marriage. Over a week we talked and I decided to try and work on it. The mother gets mad that he was talking to me and staying with me so she calls the police on him. She called stating that her can’t take her grandson because his father and I are abusing him. There child denies it and in return they ask who did he want to stay with he said his grandparents & dad (not her). Police says without a court documentation they can’t stop him from leaving.

Mother than calls child services and tell them I abuse the son and so does good father to make her lies appear truthful she sends me texts out the blue with these accusations. My husband blocked her but she uses her other children to communicate things to him and they disrespect me as well to him and he never stands up for his marriage. I told him he needs to file a report with the police department for her false charges and he says it’s a waste and they won’t do anything. He can’t stop I her from doing what she does but I feel this is temporary as he has already said I can’t expect him not to talk to his mother forever. Which is true but I feel if he sets boundaries with her just maybe she would get the picture.

I’m unsure if I should stay or go like I’ve decided to let the marriage go but he says no. Wondering if I’m making a good decision or should I just run now? Or give a consider counseling? tl; dr should I go and do counseling

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