I don’t know what to say but is it me or the women who I try to form a relationship with? I been on a few dates recently with different women. We always hit it off and go out for a second and third date but after that either I’m getting ghosted or she isn’t ready for a relationship. Honestly I’m lost don’t know what to do anymore. So my question is what should I do? Give up or have someone in my family introduce me to someone or even my friends. If it matters I’m a 26 years old guy.

  1. Some people like going on dates for the free food or attention, you’ll find someone who’s worth your time don’t worry. dating sucks lol

  2. Trust me when I say the right one will come along when you’re not looking. Tried dating apps for years only to get toxic relationships or douche canoes who only wanted one thing. I stopped looking and in April of last year found my person out of the blue. It was natural and just happened. Don’t give up, there’s definitely someone for you. Dating is just a nightmare !

  3. Really hard for us to give good advice without knowing exactly what happened, probably not easy for you to spell out everything so I get it. Could literally be anything tho. Maybe they were going on dates with multiple guys and found one of them more interesting. Maybe you came off as fun at first but once you ran out of your normal go to topics the conversations got boring. Could be a number of things.

  4. You can cut through all of the ‘games’ by being more direct yourself, you know.

    If nothings said out loud, then both parties are just going into it with their own expectations. Expecting something from someone you hardly know is…a bit silly, to put it lightly.

    If they’re almost always ghosting or telling you they don’t want a relationship by the third or fourth date, it sounds like its taking them 3 or 4 dates to realize they don’t want to pursue anything further…in this way, are they not being honest as opposed to playing games?

    If you went on 3 dates with someone and the initial spark goes within that time frame, would you just keep dating them because they were nice to you? Would you think you were an asshole for realizing you no longer felt the way you did initially…and just pretend for her sake? Cause it sounds like that’s what you are expecting.

    If u’re just bitter that womeans aren’t being more direct by saying ‘I no longer find you attractive’, as opposed to, ‘ I’m not ready for a relationshorp’…you can start dealing wirth that by confroonting the phrase all together. Let them know to you, they might as well be shaying “I just don’t want to date OP”, so it feels ingenuine, like they’re lying to you. Im sure that’ll work out well….ooor You could just not do that, and get over yourself instead.

    When you read that last bit, you didn’t need to stop and correct all the words I misspelled because using the context, you knew what I meant when I wrote them. You don’t have to correct me to understand the message. Get it?

    At some point you’ll need to realize that everyone has things they’re looking for, and if you’re not it, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. These women want things in the same way that you do…you act like them making choices that are going to impact their lives in a very real way is some kind of fickle game they’re playing. Nah dude, they’re doing the exact same thing you’re doing. **Dating.**

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