Months ago I was at a bar and a girl came up to me and my buddy asked me if I went to this one bar and I said yes. Turns out she works there and recognized me. She asked if I was going there anytime soon and I said no. She then left back to her table after a few more pleasantries.

A month later I went to the bar, I saw her working there, so I decided to say hi. I went up to her and when she looked up she immediately smiled and remembered me and my name. We talked a bit and I had to go back to my friends. On my way out, she waved bye to me.

And now last week I was at the bar walking around, when she noticed me said hi to me again, all cheerful.

I know the consensus is don’t hit on girls while they are working, but given she came up to me first, albeit outside of work, how should I act with her when I see her at work? Do I have some leeway given she’s approached me first?

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