I have been seeing this guy for around a year, dating maybe a couple months or so.

I got out of a long term relationship right before with someone I was dating for 5 years. I wanted to take it slower. I texted him everyday all day and we would call multiple times a day. I would hangout with him multiple times a week, maybe sleepover once or twice a week

After seeing him for a couple months, My sister (who is engaged) and her sister in law (single) wanted to go to Miami. I agreed to going with them and texted him every single minute of that trip. I liked him so I was not interested in anyone else. I would send him pictures of my outfits everyday. At this point my sister knew about him but not her sis in law(did not feel the need to tell her tbh, she keeps me out of her personal life as well)

When I told him I was going he did not question anything, but when I got back he used everything as an argument. He would say things like “why can’t you dress like a normal girl with a normal swimsuit and cover up?” I am obsessed with clothes and fashion so what I pick to wear is what I like and my business, right? I wore what everyone wears, I wasn’t sticking out with anything abnormal? He would say “why do you go there?” Only single people go there. I posted a picture of myself in a swimsuit and SHOWED HIM THE PICTURE BEFORE IT WAS EVEN POSTED(he is not on social media). I got an ear full from that too. Complaining I don’t take him seriously, ect. He even said “how does your mother and sister let you post a bikini picture?” It wasn’t even a full bikini pic, it was just the top half of my body in water . In my mind , it was insecurity. I was not with him long enough for him to make these comments and try to control me? He would argue with him until he said “stop acting single and we won’t have any issues” Am I wrong for thinking this is a bit controlling early on? In my past relationship I would go on girls trips and it wouldn’t be this much of a deal? I post on social media for girls too… not guys. I am obsessed with fashion and clothes and I like social media. I liked him. I wasn’t looking for anything or anyone else.

Another weekend I went out for a friends birthday one with multiple girls that were in long term relationships and a couple single girls. We ended up going to a club/bar after that everyone talks about near me for literally half hour and then we left. This was the FIRST TIME I ever did something like this because everyone in the group wanted to go. It wasn’t like this was an on-going thing where he can get upset- only once throughout this whole year. I went to his house after to sleep over. He got so mad at me even though I was updating him on everything that he was like you are an escort coming to me just after you go out. Am I out of line that this is controlling/rude? Why was it okay for all the other girls I was with to not be this big of a deal? I was with him for not more than 3 months at this point. He ended up asking multiple girls in texts asking for their opinion trying to make me look bad. He would text them and say” is it normal for the girl I’m talking to to go to Miami with all these crazy outfits, post half naked pics(swimsuit lol) and go out to clubs.” He made it sound worse than what it actually was and was trying to put me in a corner with all the “bad things” I have done since the beginning of meeting him.

Should you be expected to drop everything you did before them when you meet them even if you have no bad intentions? Am I out of line? I was communicating with him the entire time and never had any bad intentions.

TL:DR boyfriend tries to control me early early in relationship stage. Am I out of line?

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