I find that in group settings, at work or with friends/family, when someone is talking they don’t look at me but instead look at all the others within the group. It makes me feel as if I’m not important or they are not interested in me hearing them. For the record, I am not shy and I contribute to conversations. I ask questions and respond to others.

At work, I sometimes wonder if it’s because I’m not like everyone else. I’m the odd man out when it comes to ethnicity and I’m short and obese. With friends, I wonder if it’s because I am not as good at sports as they are (that’s what we mostly do when we hang out). For example, if we play golf, they are not particularly interested in knowing my score or my opinion, likely because I am the worst one at the moment.

It saddens me in the moment whenever I realize this is happening but I fight through it. Wondering if anyone has experienced this and how they changed the outcome?

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