Hi all, I guess I just need to vent but would be grateful for any advice.
I’m almost 28 yo, graduated, working full time in healthcare and with a wonderful boyfriend, but I can’t for the life of me have a meaningful friendship with a girl.
I love video games and generally pop culture and all things nerdy. I like to read a lot and go to conventions although I’m no cosplayer. I pay attention to my hair, nails, makeup and I generally like going shopping.
And yet. No matter what I talk about, if there’s a girl around I’m guaranteed to be ignored by her.
I’d try and talk to, for example, my bf’ friends gfs but they’d mostly ignore me and talk to each other leaving me out of the convo. I guess I’m the problem, it can’t always just be someone else to blame… there must be something wrong I’m doing that drives them away. I feel left out and kind of sad. I’d love to have a few girl friends I can go out with, without our bfs and such.
Anyone experiencing this?

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