I’m 18 and next month it will be 19. for someone it can be funny and I may seem stupid but.. I don’t know why I feel it. I jealous people who 11-15 because they can learn something (for example programming) and after 5 years they will be smart in this. Rational I understand that I am shifting the responsibility, but my heart don’t understand this for last 3 years (it started in 16 yo). I don’t know what profession I want and if I find my best choice in 30-50 it will be late and employers won’t want choice me, they would prefer someone younger.
Also I feel how time flies quickly, recently it was 2018 and now 2024 it scares
And I don’t understand the wourld of profession, how it works. for example if I want to find internship without money (grant on education) will university give me that in my 40/50 or I will be old. but the worst part of this is understand who you want to become.
it’s my stupid fears but I feel myself better when reading story people who change their profession and earn a lot of money

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