I’m from Sweden. Most people that I have met here in Sweden (as well as Europe in general) all think that the most known cities of the US (but also around the world overall) are Los Angeles and New York.

So, my question is, which cities will replace Los Angeles & New York? Will there even be cities that will “take the throne” from LA & NY?

And my question isn’t really regarding whether if other cities will outgrow the population or the economics of Los Angeles & New York. But more so, if any other cities will actually be more popular and preferred over (and than) Los Angeles & New York. (Not only among Americans but among people around the world.)

Because here in Europe for the past decades Los Angeles & New York are the two cities in the whole world that have been seen as the capitals of entertainment, rich & famous.

Now me personally, I am aware of places like Texas (Dallas, Houston & Austin) and Florida (Miami) have become trending places that people have moved to since 2020. But I don’t know if another city can actually become the new LA or the new NY. And also, I am not talking about 5 years from now or 10 years from now. I just mean in general if any other city ever will replace NY or LA as the capital of the world for entertainment, rich & famous?

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