Picked jalapeños and movie popcorn mixed when going to the movies. People identify where you live by which high school you attended. Your turn.

  1. “Stephen King tours” a tour van that goes around Bangor pointing out stuff from his books and movies.

    Referring to Southern Maine as “North Massachusetts”.

    Referring to Northern Maine as “the county”.

    Whoopie pies (f*ck off Pennsylvania, they’re **our** thing)

    Moxie used to be uniquely Maine before they got bought out

  2. Schunemunk puddingstone. A conglomerate stone, with a deep red color. Essentially New Jersey’s version of porphyry. Used in lots of areas decorated by stonework in walls or accent pieces.

  3. Space camp is here. The city’s history with space travel defines much of the culture.

    Only very recently did I learn what the town was like prior to the space race, turns out is has been an oddball for centuries.

  4. A few from the Bay Area:

    Dutch crunch bread

    Referring to San Francisco as “the city”

  5. Too many to name and some of them may be hard for the rest of the country to pronounce.

  6. San Francisco has the only manually operated cable car system in the entire world.

    As for, like, cultural stuff, I’d say:

    – combination Chinese food/donut shops

    – Burmese food (outside Asia)

    – Dutch Crunch bread

    – saying “hella” in a non “trying to be cool” way

  7. Apparently Cactus Cooler. Though I read it can be found in other Southwest states. But it’s apparently primarily in SoCal.

  8. * Basically no zoning (we kinda have it almost indirectly, but not
    * swangas

  9. In the part of California I grew up in, we have our own style of BBQ. Tri-tip steak, garlic bread, salsa, pinquito beans, etc. And where I live now, everyone calls potato wedges “jo-jo’s”

  10. I work in Atlanta metro and just walked outside my office and saw a homeless woman giving head to a homeless man. Idk if that’s specific to my area but certainly an interesting custom

  11. Wisconsin: Bubblers, brandy Old Fashioneds, fish fries every Friday of the year, cheese curds, Usingers, Culver’s

  12. Teriyaki, as in restaurants that only serve that one dish. There’s one in each neighborhood. Smoked salmon, Jo-Jo’s, and Taco Time “hot sauce”. Dick’s burgers. Mozzarella in Mexican food. Pho shops and Thai shops galore. Bikini baristas drive-thru (I recently saw a woman’s entirety when I mistakenly went to one called Double Cup). Geoduck and oysters on the half shell. Wild morels foraged in the fall, blueberries picked in the early summer at family farms in the shadows of towering mountains. Dinner plate dahlias for $3 a stem

  13. When you meet some people new and they ask you where you are going or have gone to mission, it has happened way too many times to me lol

  14. >People identify where you live by which high school you attended.

    I sense a person from St. Louis here.

  15. Corning.

    Probably not done anymore, but growing up in the 80s/90s in my area of rural PA, while the little kids would trick-or-treat, some of the older kids would go out corning. In the days leading up to Halloween, you’d go to one of the nearby farms and steal a few ears of feed corn 🌽 (dried version of the stuff you eat), and scrape off the kernels. Then you’d walk around town, throwing the kernels at people’s windows, which made a loud clattering sound and would scare the shit out of anyone inside. The end of October saw corn kernels strewn all over the sidewalks.

    I must have mentioned it in college to my befuddled bf before realizing it wasn’t common even in the same area of the state.

  16. Where I grew up in Jersey it was taylor ham.

    When I moved to Tx from NJ, I asked a coworker if there was a good place to find a taylor ham sandwich and he looked at me like I was insane

  17. From Florida?

    -fried alligator. It oddly tastes like chicken
    -oranges (they grow here well)
    -conch fritters
    -key lime pie

  18. Many teens’ first job is detasseling corn or roguing beans in the summer. Hard work, but great money!
    Speaking of corn- knowing (and using) the saying “knee high by the Fourth of July”

    School being cancelled because it’s just too cold.
    Speaking of cold, the creaking noises your house makes when it’s that cold.

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