I have been a bit of a failure to be honest. I suffered through school with learning difficulties. I wasted money in my 20s through partying, drugs, women etc. I’m now sat here as a man in my mid 30s without a career, unemployed and in a situation where I’m needing to start all over again. I have no options but to apply for low paid jobs because that’s all I’m good for at the moment. I have never been qualified in anything. I have been caring for my father who has had health issues for 4 years. I am not depressed, but I am feeling low in motivation with no idea where I go from here. The only other friend I have is in a similar situation. He is mentally ill and cannot work. I need to surround myself with a more motivating environment. I currently do not have this. I actually have no idea what to do. I had dreams of doing much better for myself in life than I currently do. I need to make some moves before things are really too late. I’m not young anymore and I can’t go much longer in this predicament. I was considering starting my own business, but capital is an issue at the moment. Do you have any advice on how I can change my situation?

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