my(24F) husband (24M) of almost 2 years is honestly a lot to handle. we are in a really stressful time with moving to a new state and finding jobs but I feel like anything I do recently has made him upset. He recently has stopped taking his depression medication and I feel like this has made him a lot worse with how much he snaps at me and hurts my feelings but I cant bring this up without disturbing the peace at home but im getting really tired of it. We have known about our move for almost 3 months and he still doesn’t have a job or even interviewing but when I ask him about it he tells me how much im nagging him and that he’ll get it done. I know he’ll eventually pull through but we’re only 3 weeks away from moving and NOTHING instead hes playing video games and wont do shit until the very last minute. sadly with how long it took me to find a job (with a college degree and years of experience) I know that some of our moving expenses will fall on me when the times comes. I am truly trying to be understanding and patient but he is really on my last nerve and I cant say anything without making him angry and moody. he is truly a good man but i think he has a lot of maturing to do that I wish I would have seen more before marrying him.

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