Hi there

I’m 25, male, living in 100k inhabitant town in italy.

Nowadays I feel like I’m lost, because I don’t have a life goal to pursue, because I just don’t know what do to, also, I don’t have many friends at all.
At this age, is significant harder also to get in a relationship with women.
As you can see, I have so many time avaiable, and I can recognize what is going wrong, but it’s like I have no will to change it, or as I don’t see opportunities. For example, going out in my hometown it’s easy for me, but it’s all about the car ride. Then I come back home.
I don’t know if this is because the town don’t offer many “exposure” opportunities, or if it’s something wrong with my behaviour. I think, if not because the social exposure I do have at the gym and work environment, I could be alone by myself. THere is always room to change, I want to enter new hobbies and activities for leisure, but also I want to gain knowledge in other fields and why not switch career.

What should be a good routine look like to change your life and make you a very high value men?

My day look like this from Mon to Fry:

8 wake up and get ready for work
9 to 16 work 16 to 18 gym (I do 3 times a week so if I don’t have gym, I proably do a bike or walk, or if summer I go to the sea till 20)
18 to 19 hygiene and rest
19 to 20 pc time learning and browsing stuff
20 to 21 eating
21 to 23 out with the car in the city (no particular reason, but I do a car ride around the town)
23 to 24 back home reading, then fall asleep.

In sat and sun:

8 wake up and get ready
9 to 13 out for a bycycle or car ride aroudn the town
13 to 14 back home for lunch
14 to 17 pc time learning and browsing stuff
17 to 19 out for a bycycle or car ride aroudn the town, or if summer go to the sea.
19 to 20 eating at home or out with friends (very rare)
21 to 23 out with the car in the city (no particular reason, but I do a car ride around the town)
23 to 24 back home reading, then fall asleep.

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