Went on a massive bender recently, friends and I got drunk, partied almost non stop and we hosted our first music event.

I realise one thing, we all approach men/women but all of them seem to get their numbers or start making out and even disappear off to the night. I realise that while I have no issue approaching women and I can’t seem to ever enter the “Hey you want to make out, get out of here or can I have your number” phase of meeting. I thought it was just me, plain ole’ unattractive me not very much the type of anyone but I had a really cute girl who was rubbing shoulders with me, almost holding my waist. Felt like she was just waiting for me to pounce on her. Waiting for me to say something to her to get things started.

But instead I just kept singing and having fun. She left and I didn’t see her again, don’t even have any way to contact her.

Since then I kept thinking to myself, how do I go for it, take the dive, be more of a go getter. I want to shake off the ” He’s a great friend” vibe and become more “He’s a nice choice”. I can clearly hold people’s interest, have amazing personality and vibes, but I can’t translate that into actually getting relationships.

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