I female 20 have a boyfriend 23. We have been seeing each other for 9 months. I know he’s not a date to marry person, he thinks people look to far in the future and shouldn’t think of marriage until very late 20s. I understand that, I may date to marry but it wasn’t a big issue for me considering I’m 20 and I’m not looking very seriously at marriage. The other day marriage in general came up, and he was acting like I was trying to force him into marriage, when I just like talking about weddings (I’ve thought about going into wedding planning). I was being very clear saying I have no intention of marrying him, especially considering we haven’t even been together for a year. Then he said something that really hurt me, he said “even thinking of you as my forever girlfriend, gives me pause”. I understand why marriage would freak him out, but he wouldn’t want to be with me for a long time just dating? It really cut my heart like a knife. It’s not like I can realistically say we would last forever, but he doesn’t even seem to want to try. He’s never been a very expressive person, he has autism and can have a hard time expressing how he feels. I just don’t know what to do, he said that to me a few weeks ago and I can’t help but feel like I can’t trust him as much just knowing he’s so hesitant about our relationship. We have fun together, and has been here for me during very tough times, I know he cares about me, but I don’t know if I can continue like this. Any advice would be appreciated

TL;DR my boyfriend doesn’t see a long term future with me

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