So me and my girl friend have been dating for 8 weeks and this Tuesday I went to a training session offered by the police academy since I am joining the academy in May (I go to these every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and she knows this). We talked at 2:00pm earlier that day and haven’t heard from her since then. I called her after I left the gym at 8:00pm and she declined 3 of my calls, sent a text saying “placing a order” and turned her phone on do not disturbed (which she never does). I ended up calling her phone a total of 12 times no answer.

She then calls me around 9 once she is home and says that she is drunk. She ended up confessing that she went out with her female best friend and that they went to a bar and out to eat. I then asked why she didn’t answer my calls and put her phone on DND. She ending up confessing that her best friend’s boyfriend ended up coming and meeting them while they where eating (my GF and her best friends BF are not friends and dislike each other, but her best friend told him to come without telling my GF so that they can make amends). She said that she did not answer my calls because it was a serious conversation and that she was caught up in the moment. I then asked are you sure it was only you 3 and don’t lie to me. She responded yes while swearing to God and swearing on her dead family members. My gut was telling me she was lying and I said idk if this is going to work I will need to pray on it.

She calls me the next morning and I told her that her story isn’t adding up. She ended up telling me that her, her best friend, and the best friend’s boyfriend went to his friend’s house (another male)that she didn’t know and that they played games and listened to music. She said she did not answer my calls because she didn’t want me to hear him in the back ground and get upset. She swears that nothing happened and she did not cheat on me, but I honestly don’t know if I believe that since she lied 3-4 times already. She said she was sorry and doesn’t want us to break up, she says she will do anything to make it better. She also said that I can have sex with another girl if I want to.

In the past she has also done things like flirt with her guy friend from high school at chipotle while she was on the phone with me to get free food. Laughing at every thing he says, such as “we are out of lids for guacamole”. I told her it was disrespectful and she said I wish you would grow up and stop being insecure. She also asked me how much I will make once I join the police department and I told her. She pulled out her calculated in front of me and calculated my pay every 2 weeks.

I really like this girl but I am wondering is it worth it to try and work things out with her? She really wants to stay together but my gut is telling me that she is not being honest or faithful?

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