Basically, when I was a kid, I went to a few theme parks in the UK. I particularly remember one called ‘pleasure island’ in Cleethorpes being a banger. But during this age I was too young to ride a few rides.

One in particular was this huge ghost train that even scared the shit outa my parents and their friends, I distinctly remember them egging each other to go on….. a fricking ghost train?

I remember I could see the end of the ride where their carriage was coming out, as the rest was inside. But even on this, there was this absolutely huge cardboard thing that would jump out at the end, twice the size of the cart they were in. I remember thinking ‘damn, wtf was inside there then’. Ghost trains these days are more for kids, and just have displays on them.

Did the generation before mine get some crazy scarred for life type ghost trains or something?

If so, please tell us your tale, thanks!

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