She suggested we hang out, got her number, confirmed date/time. The day before she bails, no alt date/time suggested.
Build some more rapport, Wait a month, ask her this time, gives me address to pick her up and everything… morning of, bails again on “forgot have to xyz today. This time at least adds a vague well have to hang another time.”

My self respect says to just lose her number. But I also like her enough to look at the address drop+progress on showing some interest in a rescheduling to… idk rly the next move, go date someone else and let her catch wind. Ya it’s manipulative, but shes 23 and this might just kinda all be part of the game. Or maybe she just straight up has 0 real interest, or a million and 1 other things it could be. Not taking it personally at all if shes not into me, shes def busy, and def heavily persued. Any advice?

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