We have been together for 6 years and we live together in an apartment. I’ve been away for 2 weeks on a very important business trip, the most important of my life so far.

A week ago, we got into a blowout out fight on video chat because I felt sad that he never msged me in the morning, only the afternoon. I know it’s petty, but it made me feel like an after thought – even on my birthday he didn’t even message me until after 2pm.

During the fight he said some cruel things. That I am selfish, that I want him to be a lap dog, that I make him feel caged. He even said “why don’t you go find someone who is willing to tell you they love you and that you’re pretty every 5 seconds like you want?” This really hurt me. I had a panic attack and he hung up the phone on me.

Since then.. he hasn’t contacted me at all. To be fair, I didn’t text him either, but since he hung up on me I kinda felt it was on him. I flew to another state on the weekend and he didn’t even text me to see if I got in ok. Just silence. I have been so hurt and heartbroken that I cried in front of my colleagues and started making mistakes I don’t normally.

I get back on Monday, and I need advice on what to do. I don’t want to hurt him even though he hurt me, and I feel like he will just blame me saying “well you didn’t text me either” and minimise how I feel.. I could use some advice.

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