I 19F is dating 22M and have been since the beginning of March. We chatted online for a while and then just started having physical dates, date number six is coming up this Wednesday. I just want to say he is the most amazing man I’ve ever met and after this long journey of dating I feel in my bones that he is the one. He has alluded to feeling the same. We have had such great connections and chemistry, it’s like a perfect fit Tetris. Last night I told him that I felt ready to have sexy time with him sometime soon. Then we got on a call and talked about it a little. Before I continue, he was DRUNK. I didn’t not know he was drunk til AFTER I brought it up. I believe at the time he was 12-13 drinks in. It was a holiday for his family yesterday so I understand his “party drinking”. We talked about STD testing and looked at the prices for it, I couldn’t believe how expensive it was. He said that’s he knows that he doesn’t have anything and knowing he doesn’t have anything he is a little nervous about spending that amount of money and I agreed, but he also said that he knows that we wouldn’t enjoy it if we didn’t. Now I’ll admit, I had been very emotional yesterday and started to cry quietly. He pushed me to tell him what I was thinking and I burst into tears. He handled it really well for someone who was not sober. As I was crying I offered to split the cost with him (he refused) and he said he was gonna do it. In this whole “relationship” this is the only this that has been weird to me. He handled it really well and kept asking if I was ok. I’m just worried but I know he doesn’t mean anything by it and I honestly want to spend the rest of my life with this man.

Edit: please remember to be respectful of others when they post or comment. Thank you.

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