My husband and I have two kids together and bought a house in September we had a very healthy marriage my mother moved in with us. 3 months ago and she has been here helping with the kids and buying groceries here and there (we don’t need the help finically) one month ago my mom spanked our son and my husband started yelling and saying you have no right to do that and it became a big argument and he told her to leave since then he apologized for yelling at her and said she didn’t have to leave, BUT ever since that night my husband stays in our room all day when he’s not at work he says he doesn’t feel comfortable in his house anymore and doesn’t want to come out the room because he feels judged and watched every time he does. Can I please have some advice on what to do I feel like I’m losing him because my mother is here

The reason she moved in was because she was evicted and was living in her car in the cold winter so we agreed she could come stay to get on her feet
(My husband was under the impression she would get a job and stack money but she hasn’t done that and has no intention on doing that)

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