My gf(16) broke up with me (17) 4 months ago. We were together for a year and a half. We somehow accidentally got into some program and a few days ago got the experience to visit a city with a teacher. Just her and I. When we were there she started chatting a bit, at first I really just replied with short answers but sooner or later I found myself falling back in love with her. That night we sat and talked for 3 hours. She talked about some private stuff from her life and put her head on my shoulder. She slowly continued talking and told me that now she realises that despite the fact that she thinks she doesn’t have feeling anymore and that she is texting a new guy, that he will never be as trustworthy as me and that she can’t be in a relationship with him. She started to hug me and told me that we have a certain connection and that even though we are different, that we understand each other. She told me that and kissed me, told me she loves me and that she misses me. I was shocked and said that I love her too. She said she isn’t sure what she wants since she really likes the guy she is chatting with right now. We cuddled up that night and slept together. The next morning everything was great until she told me that she isn’t sure what she wants. I told her that if she wanted me in her life that she should end things with the new guy, she told me she isn’t sure if she will do it. It’s been a few days since then and I have no idea if I should reach out or not. Should I just continue on and start my no contact again?

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