I’m a girl (or something like that the way I feel about my gender honestly confuses me) and I have RBF and two friends have talked to me about it and they seem to have a problem with it the first time one of them talked to me about giving them a weird glare at her and her boyfriend she said I could “speak my mind” and I honestly didn’t know if she meant it in a rude way (I’m neurodivergent) but I took it kinda harsh. The second time this happened is my other friend tagging me in a TikTok post with a caption saying “you keep looking me up and down for daring to do something that makes me smile/j” I knew they were joking but it still kinda hurt and I had to explain that that’s just how I look and I don’t know igloo to make proper eye contact so I just look in other directions. I honestly have no idea what to do I also have a problem with they way I speak adults can take the way I speak as “disrespectful” or “rude”. It’s all just so confusing.

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