So me F24 and my ex fling M27 or 29 i forgot sorry we are almost 3 to 5 months I think. Others may think he was my ex bf but for me he is just a fling. So I was kinda clingy kind of girl and yes we usually do making outs. Everything was okay not until he share all the things we do with our co workers since we work at same workplace back then. I mean I need privacy too. He blabber things to the point he make up some stories too. I confronted him once but he denied it. Not until the thing he said reaches my parents. Back then my parents were too good to him, they bought him new phone, shirts and also paid his debt. And when we go out I was always the one who pays. Because I understand he is the breadwinner. We also go out aince we are co workers too. But the time his make up stories reached my parents and my parents confronted me. I was shocked and immediately stop communicating him. He went to my house but I ignored him. All those make up stories goes around our workplace and luckily my contract also ended. It really hurts me, I know I am not serious with him but those stories he made left a scar on me. It caused trauma to the point I can’t trust anyone anymore. My depression and anxiety got worse. I even stayed on my bed for days without eating. Luckily I was able to redeem myself by deactivating my social media accounts for almost a year and focusing on myself. I was gradually able to try and socialize to other people and also try to work. Everything goes well not until he engaged in my posts in one of my social media accounts. By the way I made new accounts for a refresh. But now he found my account. I was about to block him but O realized he might think I hiding from him or haven’t moved on. so I just put my account on private.Then I also found out that he also messaged me. The message goes, Hey, how are you doin? Like WTH after all the trauma he still have guts to contact me. I know we didn’t have a proper closure but I don’t wanna have any communication or connection with him and my past coworkers. i have already suffered a lot. The emotional damage be have done. When I saw his name in my notifications , I feel like all the hatred and the fear comes back again.

What should I do? Should I just block him? Or just ignore him? I really want to him to get lost and just act like we’re strangers. Cause I have already suffered a lot I don’t wanna experience it again.

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