Not everyone has, but to those who have how long has it been?

  1. A few weeks ago.

    Ammo goes by faster than you think. 50 Rounds can be gone like *that.*

  2. A month ago, mostly shooting black powder now a days for hunting and those things are finicky as fuck so I like to practice.

    Other rifles kinda just sit there and only come out during hunting season for 3 shots before the season starts to make sure the scopes zerod.

    Handguns I’d shoot more but I’m pretty lazy and don’t feel like spending money on ammo

  3. Two weeks ago

    Someone hit a deer near my house and I stopped to help two guys who were there with her. She was bleeding out and flailing, so I bent down to calm her before standing up and putting a 9mm in her head.

    I told the guys to drag her off the road and “the country” would take care of her now.

  4. Good question. Feels like a few months, but it’s probably been more than a year. All the ranges near me are either crappy indoor ones or expensive, members-only clubs. I would love to have enough land to make my own range. Tired of shooting at paper in a narrow lane at 25 yards max.

  5. First and last time was 2010 or so? Went to a range with my dad while I was home from college for a break.

    My first few shots weren’t the best, we were using smaller targets and I hit the clip that held the target and it ricocheted down (thankfully).

    After the first round (my dad and I switched off once empty), I got into a groove and ended up being a bit more accurate than my him by the end of it. I was pretty proud of that.

  6. I live in Canada and all my guns were tragically lost in a boating accident.

    I can’t quite bring to mind the exact body of water this happened on, but it was deep, with a fast current.

  7. Probably 20 years ago on weapons training in the Army Cadets with the British military SA-80

  8. 25 years ago in the air cadets, I hit everything but my target and bullseyed the target of someone to the far right of me.

    They never let me in the range again

  9. I typically like to go shooting every weekend, it’s been a while now though, probably about a month

  10. Once in my life, one time.(if you are not counting air rifles/pistols) 23rd June 2017 I’m from the UK and was visiting a friend in southern Utah. He showed me his 9mm handgun and we went up to this big canyon and he let me fire it. It was absolutely wild to me and is still the only time in my life to have held and fired a firearm.

  11. Few weeks ago sighted in a few. Need to sight in a few others I have soon

  12. I have not. I fired a pellet gun in scouts and have had the occasional paintball experience. Not anti gun just not really into it I guess.

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