I’ve heard people saying that they like the smell gasoline or even burned rubber.

And I’m curious what other peculiar smells do men like.

  1. When you show up to your favorite local golf course on a sunny Saturday morning and the parking lot air is filled with the smell of fresh cut grass and just the slightest tinge of marijuana.

  2. Western wear stores that carry a lot of leather products. Idk what that particular leather smell is called, but man…it smells nice

  3. Burnt hamburgers on a charcoal grill. Smells like the 2 stroke premix from racing motocross as a kid. Instant trip down memory lane

  4. I like when I have a spotless kitchen and the counters smell like bleach and the floor smells like the purple Mr Clean

  5. Because of our height difference, I always hug the top of my wife’s head, and sometimes there’s this undescribable scent in her hair or skin that drives me crazy. It’s like a mini-high, and we have no idea what causes it.

  6. Coal smoke out of a steam engine. Atomized diesel fuel. Some kinds of gun smoke, depends on the propellant being used; Blue Dot is my fave.

  7. Basil, a plant in the house smells just like your Italian grandmother’s kitchen. And the smell of rain as it hits the warm pavement

  8. The smell after rain on a hot summer day, the woods in the fall, and my mom’s cooking.

  9. Fresh cut watermelon…..wild rose bush blooming……charcoal grill……sweet 4/20…….pine knots…..cool air at 3 in the morning……!

  10. Burnt coffee. Reminds me of quiet mornings with my granddad before he’d go fishing

  11. Wood. Like in a lumber store or workshop. It’s especially nice if there’s construction going on and you get the smell of wood outside.

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