I’ll start this off by saying the father of my child is essentially a stranger to me. We’ve hung out a handful of times and were just fooling around which led to me becoming pregnant. I definitely did not have any feelings for him when I decided to keep my baby, it was just a decision I made that felt right. He did not want the baby, but has not ghosted me or denied his role in this. I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant and had my anatomy ultrasound yesterday, he came to the appointment and hot damn did he look good 🥵 I haven’t seen him since my 6 week ultrasound so it’s been a while, but we talk through text here and there (mostly just me giving updates on how things are going). Anyways! Recently he asked me to hangout and I’ve been wanting to do this to get to know each other a little better, he just beat me to it. Now, I don’t know if it’s a combination of how good he looked when I saw him yesterday, the excitement of hanging out or the hormones, but I’ve been thinking about him and feel like I’m crushing on him right now. I’m really scared about where that will go because I really doubt he’s looking for a relationship, especially with me, and we really don’t know each other. Is it just hormones? Is it because he’s the father of my child? Or did I just like the way he looked? What if I hangout with him and realize that I’m starting to like him more?! This was not a path I wanted to go down and I’m not really sure how to navigate this since we just agreed to co-parent. If I do start to get feelings for him do I be honest about it? Or would it complicate our already complicated predicament?

TL;DR: feel like I’m starting to have feelings for my baby daddy but he’s a stranger to me.

  1. Do what’s best for the baby by which I mean, take it VERY, VERY slowly. He may turn out to be a great guy who falls madly in love with you. You can’t decide now, and you’re going to have to get know him one way or the other, so just cultivate a friendship first and see how it goes.

  2. Those pregnancy hormones are WILD. I was looking at everyone sideways lmao.

    I think regardless of whether your feelings are “real” or not, this may not be the best time to explore them with everything you have going on. Let him be a supportive partner in the pregnancy, etc., but I would take a wait and see approach with my feelings. See if your romantic feelings are still there after he’s shown you what kind of dad and co-parent he’ll be.

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