I am 18F (turning 19 in a couple of months) and I don’t have a single memory from my teenage years so far that I cherish. I didn’t do well in school, nor did I have fun. I don’t have any interests or hobbies either. I would just stay in a corner, doing absolutely nothing. I have never dated or kissed anyone yet. I know many of you will say that I am young and I still have a lot of time left and I agree, I just don’t want to waste any more time.

So, I would love to hear your favourite memories from your teenage years. Specific incidents that you still talk about, secrets that made you interesting. I am obviously not going to try to replicate any of the incidents. I think it would just be fun to hear your experiences and it would maybe give me some hope that teens in TV shows aren’t the only ones who do wild things.

  1. I really don’t have any and you know what thats fine. I grew up in an abusive household and I really struggled mentally. Yes, I had a boyfriend, but it was an okay relationship and really nothingnto brag about. I’m 25 turning 26 next month and I can honestly say I don’t miss high school at all. I love how my life turned out and how much happier I am. Making memories are important, but you don’t need to focus making all those memories in the early stages of your life and that’s okay.

  2. Having close friends. Granted being in school forces you to make friends out of convenience, it’s good to have them for your mental health’s sake. I had a group I was really close to and we would chat everyday but because of depression caused by a relationship which I shouldn’t have wasted time and energy on upon hindsight, I made the mistake of withdrawing and isolating. I’m 30 now and don’t have a single close friend. If you have even 1 person that you have a meaningful friendship with, I’d say make sure it lasts

  3. I only have negative experiences of middle and high school. Being bullied, being punished, exam stress. Only negative ones.

  4. Not one specific memory, just the combined memory of many days/nights driving around with a friend singing along to the radio, stopping at different places around town to see if anyone we knew was there. Gas was a lot cheaper back then, and I remember the freedom of not having any real responsibilities and feeling excited to be going away to college soon. College is where all of my favorite memories were made, though. I think the romanticized idea of having this perfect high school experience is exclusive to tv and movies. Everyone feels awkward and unsure of themselves in high school.

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