Apart from artistic talent, what’s something you’re really good at?

  1. I’m my friend groups planner for most every trip. I’m really good at finding the best place to stay, local events, deals, asking everyone what their budget is, accommodating everyone’s interests into a vacation. This is a double edged sword as they now expect me to plan literally everything we do, but my type-a personality finds it rather easy. I’m really good at planning trips!

  2. Spending money! 😩 Buying coffee when I have all the machines at home! Justifying why I need more seasonal decor throw pillows/blankets!

  3. Parenting. Even my therapist (who also does therapy for children) has said I’m part of that 10% who see their children as whole people and who do an excellent job of parenting.

  4. I’m often told that I’m a very empathetic person, and I use that as a leader to help others be successful and create a positive environment for them.

    I’m pretty good at knowing how to make something that will be popular. I’ve gone viral many times, and I’ve started companies that went on to be very successful. I just understand people, what draws them in, and what will have the most significant effect on the largest number of people.

    I’m really patient and resilient. I have a chronic health condition that causes a lot of pain and suffering on a daily basis. Because of what I’ve gone through, I can handle a lot of difficult things (and people) and stress relatively easily.

    I’m very organized and good at planning. At least when it comes to work. But I am horrible at organization and planning in my personal life 😂 I think it’s because I prefer to live one day at a time, but I know that won’t work for business. So I know what to do, I just don’t want to do it haha.

  5. I like to think I’m genuine. When I care, I go a 100 percent and don’t hold back. I’m a very empathetic person who can break the ice with any type of person in an instant and connect immediately without ego. I pride myself hence on being very resilient even in the harshest or seemingly dynamic environments, that I may be forced into.

  6. I’m good at reading animals’ body language/tone. Really helped when I worked with them

  7. I think Im an excellent mom, home cara taker and cooking! I hate to brag but my cooking is amazing, I shock myself

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