TL;DR My best friend and I after a few drinks each almost hooked up, but stopped before it went all the way, she tells me the next day she doesn’t regret doing it with me, only regrets it because she doesn’t want to lose me as a friend. Does she have underlying feelings for me or did we mess up our friendship?

Hello all,

Read below to see if i ruined my friendship last weekend. Admin feel free to delete if not appropriate.

My very very good friend (33F) and I have been through a lot the last year. We both were there for each other getting out of our own terrible abusive relationships, it brought us closer than ever. We talk almost every day, and never seem to stop talking. The last 3 months or so we seem to hang pretty often and neither of us had ever made a move or tried to sleep with the other.

Fast forward to last weekend, after a concert we went back to her place. I was all buzzed and she was drunker than I thought. I was taking care of her making sure she was OK before I left. But then suddenly she kissed me without warning and that lead to a few hours of some passion but spoiler we did not hook up. She fully accepts that she started it and did not ask for consent.

Against my better judgment, I should of snapped out of it sooner but I can’t take that back. The next morning I felt so bad because I don’t want to lose such a great friend.

We talked it over and she told me this “I don’t regret any of it for being with you, I regret it because of our friendship bc of how much it means to me and please understand I probably need some space”

I guess what I’m asking from yall on here, from a women’s point of view, does this mean it was such a bad mistake that our friendship is probably over? Are there underlying feelings and that’s why she initiated it? Or am I just overthinking this whole thing and we will be fine….

Thanks everyone in advance.

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