I’m a 20 year old female. I met a guy at work who is in his early 30s. I think he is attractive and I was told that he is interested in me by a mutual friend. He is always staring at me and helping me out. He is also pretty funny and has a cool & goofy personality. Though it’s obvious that he is interested by his body language, he has never brought up dating. I’m honestly very unlucky with guys my age, in the sense that they don’t treat me well. I know it’s not a guarantee that he would because of age, but I’m thinking maybe he would be more likely to play the role well. I’m also wondering if it’s weird for him to be interested in someone that young? Or is he just really lonely? I’m unsure if I should even consider dating him since we have such a big age gap, but I genuinely like his personality and think he is attractive. Any advice would be appreciated pls.

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