So I met this guy through one of my classes. We didn’t talk all semester, but the second to last week of classes we stayed after class talking for 4 hours. Then HE asked for my number. Next class he had work so we had a brief chat after class, which ended in me telling him to text me if he wants to hang out or something to which he said “yea I got you”. He always seemed very interested the whole time and was so sweet. We haven’t really texted other than the first day we exchanged numbers, which we texted the rest of that day, and then some short banter two other times that I started after talking in person. I just don’t know what to do. I want to text him bc I’m scared he thinks I’m not interested due to me not responding to his last message. I didn’t respond simply bc he was working and it was deadended so I didn’t want to force the convo to continue if he was busy. Not to mention he is not a good texter lol. (He texts like a dad but that’s whatever it’s just hard for me to tell what his texting style is exactly) I highly doubt we’ll see eachother in person again unless planned bc all we have left is exams and I won’t see him in those. Anyways, If he was interested he would’ve texted me by now though wouldn’t he? I thought we hit it off, even as friends, but nothing :/ should I move on or text him?

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