I have had trouble now for a long time finding girls to date but it doesn’t make sense where I would go to meet anyone. I have no interest in bars or clubs and am not willing to put that kind of money unless it’s for a date. I have some specific interests and I do not think that they are useful for finding someone such as parks or libraries. I always thought that no matter where I go, I cannot just go up to them either and bother them so the approach is also an issue. I can’t figure out the difference between approaching and harassment so I have altogether stopped trying due to negative interactions in the past. I think some people are psychos that don’t want anyone near them but even with normal people (if that exists lol) they also don’t appreciate someone bothering them. Yet at the same time you can have two people approach someone, one could be inexperienced and come off as bothering the person while the other knows how to use tact and is clever about an approach. I can approach people but only for friendly conversation or to make jokes but for some reason there is this mental block when it comes to dating and approaching a girl for romantic reasons. How do you guys deal with this?

  1. You may not like this option, but church is a good place to meet people.

  2. Healthy relationships are based on open and honest communication between mature consenting adults who treat each other with respect and share common interests and compatible life goals.

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